Does Anyone Else Have Bad Days? (I Have A Confession)

I have a confession to make. I'm twenty-three years old, and sometimes I still want to cut myself. And people make it seem like only teens struggle with it? Let me make myself clear. Years ago, I did what some would call "experimenting with self-harm." I pinched and slapped myself as a way to deal... Continue Reading →

Rough Ride

It's a funny thing, when you've been on a soul-wrenching ride down white water rapids, and then realize that you've reached the end. After the months of living with heartbreak, is this what it's like to breathe? The foaming river subsides to a sporadic trickle, and you realize that what you told yourself  was true: the... Continue Reading →

Thank God for Pain

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”  -Winnie the Pooh Yesterday we said goodbye to three members of our Woodcrest family, and one the day before that. All together, that's nearly half of the School of Writing students. It's wonderful having a group of people who fit so well together that... Continue Reading →


I know this isn't greatly polished, but here it is. I'd appreciate it if you let me know your reactions in the comments. Thanks!   Hope drips with the blood. The cut is too shallow, though, and the flow is weak. The drops congeal and dry before it can drip from flesh to earth and... Continue Reading →

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